Thursday, March 25, 2010


My first blog...ever. Luckily, I doubt that there will be much expectation. Gives me a limitless opportunity to dick up as much as I see fit!

First, I'll give you some back-info: I am a 25 year old bellydancer from the gigantic abyss known as Benton, Arkansas (just southwest of Little Rock). Okay, so maybe it isn't gigantic, but it has quite a bite for a town its size. Billy Bob Thornton chose my hometown as the backdrop for his critically-acclaimed movie, "Slingblade," and the restaurant he visits with John Ritter (RIP) is one of my favorites (Gary's Drive-In). Benton has also been featured in the Burt Reynolds cult flick "White Lightning," and has recently been the setting for a movie entitled "The Last Ride" about Hank Williams Sr. (still in production).

Three years ago, I graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a B.A. in English and a minor in psychology. This means that I like to manipulate arbritary "rules" of grammar that I dislike, including (but not limited to) ending a sentence with a preposition and splitting an infinitive. Some megalomaniac decided one day that since you could not do either of these things in Latin, that the rules should apply for English grammar instead. I call B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. Oh yes, and I can be extremely profane at times, so if that offends you, this is your warning. I will not change my colorful vocabulary for anyone...not my mother, and especially not for John and Jane Q. Public. Remember, anyone who tries to tell you what you can or cannot say is trying to control you. But, I digress...

Two years ago I married my fantastically-strange, adorable husband, Jason. He is an electrician by trade and general maintainance man around the house. He does the laundry, cooks, and comes to all of my dancing gigs. He's handsome, open-minded, and fiercy loyal. Yes, he's incredible, and yes, he's all mine.

Sometimes, random tidbits can do more justice in description than flowy paragraphs (especially when I feel lazy) so here are some of my quirks, nuances, likes, loves, agitations, etc. for you to peruse:

  • I consider myself to be open-minded and compassionate, and try to become moreso every day.
  • I am in a bellydancing troupe called "Tribal Motion." We are primarily American Tribal Style (ATS), not the cabaret type. Here is an article I wrote breaking down some of the differences between tribal and cabaret styles:
  • I very, very rarely watch t.v. (perhaps because we only get one channel). I LOVE movies, though.
  • Rudolph Valentino is my greatest obsession.
  • I am an exercise fanatic! My favorite forms include: bellydancing (obviously), running, ballet, and Jillian Michaels dvds (holy shit, she is tough).
  • I eat enormous proportions, so you cannot see my hard work...that's something that I'm constantly working on.
  • George Carlin (RIP) is my favorite comedian of all time, no contest.
  • I have a near-fetish for extraordinary hygiene.
  • I am not a mother, but would love to be one someday.
  • William Faulkner and Franz Kafka are two of my favorite writers.
  • Usually, there are incense and candles burning in my house...unless, of course, I'm not home.
  • My favorite musical genres include: rock (hard, classic, punk, metal), blues, and old country.
  • My favorite musical artists include: Stevie Nicks, Danzig, Tracy Nelson, Black Sabbath, and Pink Floyd.
  • I can stick my entire fist into my mouth.
  • I have a Yorkipoo named Marley (after Bob, not the movie).
  • I'm extremely Type B, and therefore procrastinate like mad.
  • My two favorite people in the world are my nephew and niece, Jace Logan (five) and Lillan Jade (one).
  • I'm addicted to Bath
  • I have a soulful singing voice, but cannot write a song (it's frighteningly-bad).
  • My brother Derek, however, has been blessed with a gorgeous baritone voice and ferocious songwriting skills.
  • Serial killers both terrify and fascinate me.
  • I believe that most of the singers, actors, and reality t.v. stars nowadays are people that would have been laughed out of Hollywood in the nineties.
  • My mother was a Razorbacks cheerleader.
  • My favorite places in Arkansas include: Eureka Springs, Jonesboro, and Petit Jean Mountain.
Whew! This post makes me sound like a megalomaniac, but I thought it would only be fitting to give a thorough introduction. If there are any questions, comments, likes, or gripes, please feel free to post them! Thanks for visiting, and I hope you have a marvelous day.

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